Follow the dead bird and you'd be in the right place!
Atticus clothing are sending a batch of cool stuff for us all to give away as prizes in a 'who's the hottest looking Vamp!' competition on our Fangtasia London opening night party, Fri 18th Sept!!!
We also have some lovely shots of Triibe Liquer to give away so look out for our fang-banger shot ladies and make sure you join the Triibe!
Remember...We don't accept any bad 'Nosferatu' wannabees, or throwbacks to the 'Hammer' times: Save that shit for Halloween!!!
Just hot looking modern Vamps, Were's or other supernatural hotties that don't look like they just come from the joke shop!!!
Be warned, this is a super exclusive nest and we don't take kindly to jokers or any of you 'Fellowship of the Sun' sympathizers.
However, if you want to show your support to our American cousins, you can do so by patronising the 'American Vampire League'.

If youre looking for Vampire love on the other fang, look no further than 'LoveBitten', an online Vampire dating service which caters for your everyday kinda Undead lonely hearts!
If you have any photo's of yourself in a ghoulish kinda state, fangs or no, full moon or solstice, join our Fangtasia London FaceBook group, upload the pics to the page and make friends with more of our kind!
