We had the pallid aberration of Benjamin Louche! The un-nerving rabber clad wonder of Cynth Icorn!
Nest Queen, Lydia Darling heating up the house!
The London fang gang have had two of the finest nights yet and next month we'l make that a hattrick!
Join us on the 2nd Friday of every month for a real life dose of True Blood, hosted by Sheriff Vanderhorne of area E2 and the whole of the east London nest, Vamping it up in a way befitting of Shrieveport or Bon Temps itself!
Hidden away in London's underground avant garde performance venue, 'Resistance Gallery', Fangtasia London serves up a double measure of the deep south with an undead twist...
Featuring exclusive live music and bleeding edge Cabaret Siniestro & fetish/Neo-burlesque performances, this is your monthly excursion into blissful oblivion that's guaranteed to set pulses pounding and hearts racing.
Music Policy:
Death country, hick-hop, southern rock, cowpunk, hellbilly, electroslash, dedneck, swamp blues, gothic americana, honkytonk hardcore, rock 'n' roll sleaze, dark cabaret, stoner, grunge, goth, metal, new wave etc.
It's The Place To Be for Vamps, Tramps, Shape-shifters, Were-folk, FangBangers and anyone with a taste for the dark side of The South...
In association with HBO's True Blood on FXUK Channel

Death and drinking in the swamplands of of East London!
"The dark Vampiric musings of a totally inspiring night, will transport you into a meta-human world of sexy supernatural music & performance!"
Last months re-awakening was quite magical so dont miss out!
Sheriff Vanderhorne,Mark 13,Deejay Mumin & more!...
With rope bondage & Vamp fetishes galore!
Fangs-smith extraordinaire, Robbie Blood Red FX, will be custom making movie quality fangs for half price while you wait!!!
Plus more performances, bondage, photo booth, music to die for and sexy Vamps galore!!!
Join our Facebook group here!!!